Tuesday, March 19, 2019



4.1 Conclusion
Internship program is a teaching method utilized by educators to teach students how to solve problems, understand tasks, perform specific tasks, and deal with difficult situations (Collins, Brown, and Newman 1989). The internship program is in line with the vision and mission of the English education study program of STKIP Santu Paulus, which is to produce prospective English language educators who are professional and competent, and mature in personality, attitude, knowledge and skills. This is also stated clearly in the profile of graduates of English Education Study Program.
The second internship program was held in October 1 to November 3, 2018. It was started with the orientation stage at SMK Widya Bhakti, where the writer took a week of time to do an observation before the writer continued to make the lesson plan for the teaching practice in class. Three weeks left had been spent to do teaching practice in class, where the writer was like a real teacher, handled the class directly.
The writer gets so many benefits of this second internship program. After finishing the internship at SMK Widya Bakti Ruteng, the writer feels that,  to be a teacher for the future is not an easy thing to do. The writer must prepare well, both in the writer’s competencies in knowledge, attitude, relationships, and personality.
4.2 Suggestion
1.      For STKIP Santu Paulus Ruteng, especially English Education Study Program, to prepare everything, from preparation, implementation and evaluation as well as possible for the next internship program.
2.      For SMK Widya Bhakti Ruteng, to be able to maintain a cooperative relationship with STKIP Paulus Santu Ruteng, especially in terms of improving the competence of prospective teachers in the future, which is contained in the internship program.
3.      For the next second internship participants to prepare this program seriously from now on, so the next second internship program will be better, both in terms of quality and the output produced.
4.      Finally, the writer realizes that this final report is far from perfect. Therefore, the writer is looking forward to constructive criticism and suggestions from readers.

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