Tuesday, March 19, 2019



3.1 Learning Activities
In the second internship program at SMK Widya Bhakti Ruteng, that was held in the period of October 1 - November 3, 2018, the writer carried out learning activities in the class XI Accounting I and II. In this period of time, the writer managed to implement 5 lesson plan topics, which in detail will be offered as follows.
1.      First Meeting
a.       Topic                           : Looking for a job
b.      Sub-topic                     : Simple Present Tense
c.       Skill                             : Writing
d.      Allocation                   : 2 x 45 minutes
e.       Standard Competence : Understanding English at Elementary Level.
f.        Basic Competence      : 2.3 Detailing job and educational background students have by speaking and writing.
g.      Indicators                    : The correct use of Simple Present to describe jobs of various professions by writing
h.      Learning objectives     : Students can understand the Simple Present form precisely to describe jobs of various professions.
i.        Learning Methods      : Lecture, Question and Answer, Writing in Here and Now.
j.        Learning Steps            :
·         Initial Activities:
o   The teacher gives greeting to students.
o   The teacher asks 1 student to lead the class in a prayer
o   The teacher presents the material to be discussed and the learning objectives.
o   The teacher gives apperception by giving questions to students then students answer them.
·         Core Activities
o   The teacher asks students to name several types of work / profession, their duties, and their place of work using pictures.
o   The teacher reads a simple text; the students pay attention then answer the questions given by the teacher.
o   The teacher explains and gives examples of Simple Present Tense’s sentence patterns then asks students to finish some exercises given
o   The teacher gives example of the use of simple present tense to describe a job; then students write a simple description.
o   The teacher asks students to talk about something they do not understand from the material and the teacher gives feedback.
·         Final Activities
o   The teacher gives conclusion about the material.
o   The teacher gives home assignment to students about describing a job by writing.
o   The teacher ends the lesson by greeting the students and asks 1 student to lead class in a prayer.
2.      Second Meeting
a.       Topic                           : Looking for a job
b.      Sub-topic                     : Simple Present Tense
c.       Skill                             : Speaking
d.      Allocation                   : 2 x 45 minutes
e.       Standard Competence : Understanding English at Elementary Level.
f.        Basic Competence      : 2.3 Detailing job and educational background students have by speaking and writing.
g.      Indicators                    : The correct use of Simple Present to describe jobs of various professions by speaking
h.      Learning objectives     : Students can understand the Simple Present form precisely to describe jobs of various professions.
i.        Learning Methods      : Lecture, Question and Answer, Reporting.
j.        Learning Steps            :
·         Initial Activities:
o   The teacher gives greeting to students.
o   The teacher asks 1 student to lead the class in a prayer
o   The teacher examines the students’ homework that has been given at the previous meeting and asks students if they had problems in constructing the writing.
·         Core Activities
o   The teacher asks students to report their homework in front of the class orally, one by one.
o   The teacher helps students to fix some errors in their presentation and gives scores.
o   The teacher reviews the material described at the previous meeting and asks students randomly.
o   Students complete a dialogue from students’ hand book, helped by the teacher.
o   Students answer the questions from the dialogue.
o   The teacher and students discuss about the answers of the questions.
·         Final Activities
o   The teacher gives conclusion about the material.
o   The teacher presents the material to be discussed at the next meeting and ask students to prepare the material.
o   The teacher ends the lesson by greeting the students and ask 1 student to lead class in a prayer.
3.      Third Meeting
a.       Topic                           : Looking for a job
b.      Sub-topic                     : Simple Present Tense
c.       Skill                             : Speaking
d.      Allocation                   : 2 x 45 minutes
e.       Standard Competence : Understanding English at Elementary Level.
f.        Basic Competence      : 2.3 Detailing job and educational background students have by speaking and writing.
g.      Indicators                    : The correct use of Simple Past to explain the various of educational backgrounds of professions.
h.      Learning objectives     : Students can understand the Simple Past form precisely to explain the various of educational backgrounds of professions.
i.        Learning Methods      : Lecture, Question and Answer, Story Telling.
j.        Learning Steps            :
·         Initial Activities:
o   The teacher gives greeting to students.
o   The teacher asks 1 student to lead the class in a prayer
o   The teacher asks students ‘preparation about the material.
o   The teacher presents the material to be discussed and the learning objectives.
o   The teacher gives apperception by giving questions to students then students answer them.
·         Core Activities
o   The teacher asks students to mention the educational background of a profession.
o   The teacher explains and gives examples of the simple past tense sentence pattern then students record it.
o   The teacher makes an example of the educational background of a profession using simple past tense sentence pattern and asks students to write their own educational background.
o   Students come to the front of class to present their work orally.
·         Final Activities
o   The teacher gives conclusion about the material.
o   The teacher gives home assignment to students about simple past tense sentence patern.
o   The teacher ends the lesson by greeting the students and asks 1 student to lead class in a prayer.
  1. Fourth Meeting
a.       Topic                           : Looking for a job
b.      Sub-topic                     : Simple Past Tense
c.       Skill                             : Writing
d.      Allocation                   : 2 x 45 minutes
e.       Standard Competence : Understanding English at Elementary Level.
f.        Basic Competence      : 2.3 Detailing job and educational background students have by speaking and writing.
g.      Indicators                    :
·         The correct use of Simple Past to explain the various of educational backgrounds of professions.
·         A simple curriculum vita that is written correctly.
h.      Learning objectives     :
·         Students can understand the Simple Past form precisely to explain the various of educational backgrounds of professions.
·         Students can write a simple curriculum vita correctly.
i.        Learning Methods      : Lecture, Question and Answer, Writing in Here and Now.
j.        Learning Steps            :
·         Initial Activities:
o   The teacher gives greeting to students.
o   The teacher asks 1 student to lead the class in a prayer
o   The teacher gives apperception about curriculum vitae while asks students to collect home assignment they have done.
o   The teacher checks and discusses the homework with students.
·         Core Activities
o   The teacher reviews the material described at the previous meeting and asks students randomly.
o   The teacher explains and gives example of curriculum vitae
o   The students make curriculum vitae about themselves, helped by the teacher.
·         Final Activities
o   The teacher examines and discusses the work of students
o   The teacher gives conclusion of the material given
o   The teacher presents the material to be discussed at the next meeting and ask students to prepare the material.
o   The teacher ends the lesson by greeting the students and ask 1 student to lead class in a prayer.

  1. Fifth Meeting
a.       Topic                           : Looking for a job
b.      Sub-topic                     : Facts and Figures
c.       Skill                             : Speaking
d.      Allocation                   : 2 x 45 minutes
e.       Standard Competence : Understanding English at Elementary Level.
f.        Basic Competence      : 2.3 Detailing job and educational background students have by speaking and writing.
g.      Indicators                    : Various expressions are used appropriately to explain facts and figures in a data presentation
h.      Learning objectives     : Students can use various expressions correctly to explain facts and figures in a data presentation.
i.        Learning Methods      : Lecture, Question and Answer, Perform Orally.
j.        Learning Steps            :
·         Initial Activities:
o   The teacher gives greeting to students.
o   The teacher asks 1 student to lead the class in a prayer
o   The teacher gives apperception about curriculum vitae while asks students to collect home assignment they have done.
o   The teacher checks and discusses the homework with students.
o   The teacher presents the material to be discussed and the learning objectives.
·         Core Activities
o   The teacher reads the sentences containing phrases to explain facts and figures in a data presentation, then students write them.
o   Students read and understand text than contain phrases to explain facts and figures in a data presentation then students answer questions.
o   The teacher explains phrases to explain facts and figures in a data presentation.
o   Students explain facts and figures from a data orally.
·         Final Activities
o   The teacher concludes he material of the chapter.
o   The teacher determines general test execution of the chapter.
o   The teacher ends the lesson by greeting the students and ask 1 student to lead class in a prayer.
3.2 The Result of Learning Activity
The purpose of teaching is the target to be achieved in teaching activity, that is the change from students’ behavior to a positive direction, both in terms of knowledge, attitudes, and skills. This goal is very important, because it will determine the direction of the teaching process, where the object of the direction itself is the students’ development.
From the teaching practice that has been done, where the writer pointed the material given in writing and speaking skills, the writer found that the students’ achievements were increased, both writing and speaking skills. On the other side, because of  there are 4 skills in English, the writer provided to observe also the students’ reading and listening skills in teaching process, just to know their development in 4 English skills. The details of students’ achievement are described below:
1.      Reading Skill
Students can read texts in the form of narratives, descriptions and conversations, and take special forms such as: curriculum vita to find certain information, get a general description of the contents of the reading, find the main thoughts expressed, find the main thoughts implied, find all the detailed information expressed, get the implied information, and interpret the meaning of words and sentences based on context.
2.      Listening Skill
Students can respond to questions given verbally, obtain information about various things from oral texts according to the theme or topic, obtain information to complete incomplete forms, charts or maps, and find information implied in short and simple conversation.
3.      Speaking Skill
Students can ask questions and answer questions about various things, conduct short conversations smoothly, and simply convey information and descriptions of objects, people and places and a series of events simply.
4.      Writing Skill
Students can compose sentences (at most 6 sentences) given randomly into coherent paragraphs, complete simple and brief conversations, write short paragraphs (at most 6 sentences) in the form of narratives and descriptions of very simple topics, and write a simple curriculum vita.
3.3 The Interaction Between Teacher and Students in Classroom
The learning process will be effective, if communication and interaction between teachers and students occur intensively. Therefore, the writer designed learning models so that students can learn optimally. The writer who in the second internship program acted as a teacher has dual roles in relation to students’ needs. The role intended is the role of the teacher as a teacher, the teacher as a parent, and the teacher as a friend.
The first, the role of the teacher as a teacher conducted by the writer was more dominant in the learning process in the classroom. The writer tried to master the patterns of interaction and good communication techniques in the learning process. Interactions in the learning process are known as educational interactions. This educational interaction was done by:

1.      The writer tried to use English in learning process to familiarize students with English
2.      The writer asked and gave students the opportunity to speak. This was done to improve student participation in the learning process
3.      The writer tried to guide students in answering difficult questions.
The second is the role of the teacher as a parent in the classroom is more of an emotional relationship and equalizing of the feelings of teachers and students that makes students feel comfortable in class. This interaction is more based on love and mutual understanding, which is why students become open in expressing their personal problems and problems related to learning. In this case, the writer strives to know each student's characteristics to determine attitudes related to learning.
The third, in acting as a friend, the writer tried to pay attention to the following things:
a.       Listening and not dominating.
b.      Be patient.
c.       Respect and be humble.
d.      Be equal.
e.       Not trying to lecture.
f.        Authoritative.
g.      Doesn't take sides.
h.      Be open.
i.        Be positive.
3.4 Students’ Participation and Activity
Student participation in learning is very important to create active, creative and fun learning. Thus the planned learning objectives can be achieved as much as possible. There is no learning process without the participation and activity of students who learn. Every student must be active in learning, only what distinguishes them is the level of activeness of students in learning. There is activity in the low, medium and high categories. Here the teacher needs creativity in teaching so that students actively participate in learning. The use of appropriate strategies and methods will determine the success of teaching and learning activities. Participatory teaching and learning methods that are carried out by the teacher will be able to bring students in more conducive situations because students are more involved and more open in teaching and learning activities.
To increase students’ participation in the second internship program, the writer tried some useful strategies, such as:
1.      Making groups discussion
2.      Giving questions to students
3.      Providing opportunities for students to answer questions
4.      providing opportunities for students to present their homework in front of the class
Based on the strategies done by the writer, the students’ participation and activity were good. students became excited in learning because of many opportunities given by the writer to them to express themselves.
3.5 Problems and Solutions
1.      Problems Identification
a.       The problems faced by students
·         Lacking of self-esteem
·         Lacking of vocabulary
·         Lacking of knowledge about grammar
·         Poor speaking skills
b.      The problems faced by teacher
·         Students’ attitudes
·         Classroom management
·         Lesson unit plan implementation
2.      Strategy of Problem Solving
From those problems faced by students and teacher, the writer decided to use strategies to solve the problems. Those strategies are as follows:
a.       Increasing students' confidence by giving students the opportunity to express themselves in front of their friends and the teacher.
b.      Motivating students to learn English by using English in the classroom. This will increase their knowledge of grammar and vocabulary.
c.       Pressing students to memorize vocabulary by let them find the words they don't know by themselves.
d.      Providing opportunities for students to speak in English
e.       Giving correction of the mistakes made by students directly.
f.        Trying to be as parent in class to control students’ attitudes which are too over-control.
g.      Reorganizing the chaotic class management by reviving the role of duty bearer in the class.
h.      Using the right methods and strategies based on the class’ situation and condition.

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