Tuesday, March 19, 2019



2.1 Orientation Stage
Orientation stage of the second internship program is the initial stage of internship program which aims to help students in identifying all things needed in the implementation of English learning process in classroom. It is an important stage to be followed by students to be able in adjusting and knowing the learning environment at school.
The second internship program followed by the writer was held at SMK Widya Bhakti Ruteng from October 1 to November 3, 2018. In this internship program, the writer got duty to handle 2 classes, those were XI Accounting I and XI accounting II. The curriculum used by these classes is KTSP. So, before the writer did teaching practice in class, the writer made observations for a week.
In this orientation activity, the writer observed the school and the classroom activities. In observing the school, the writer examined the symptom and phenomenon that occurred at school directly. It was different with classroom observation, where the writer followed the English teacher of SMK Widya Bhakti Ruteng to enter the class together. On the first day, the writer introduced his identity to the students, so they knew why the writer was in their class. After that, the writer took a seat at the back of the class to start the observation. The writer observed the school and classrooms for a week based on the following points below:
1.      Classroom condition and situation.
a.       The classrooms condition in the two classes observed are quite dark because of lack of lighting.
b.      The classrooms are quite dirty.
c.       The placement of students seats is rather uncluttered
d.      The classrooms are lack of props.

2.      Students condition and characteristic.
a.       Students do not listen to the lesson given by the teacher
b.      Students’ English skills are still very weak
c.       Students’ motivation in learning English is very lacking.
d.      students prefer to be punished rather than answering teacher’s questions
e.       Most of students do not participate in the learning process
f.        English is a frightening specter for students
3.      Teaching materials (lesson plan and syllabus) according to the curriculum used by the school
a.       The curriculum used at the second grade students at SMK Widya Bhakti is KTSP.
b.      The material taught by the teacher is adjusted to the KTSP syllabus.
c.       The teacher designs fun learning material.
d.      In the learning process, the teacher tries to foster students’ learning motivation.
e.       The teacher provides opportunities for students to develop students' English skills
4.      The use of media and learning methods.
a.       The lesson plan was designed with lack of media. Teacher only uses KTSP textbook, board marker and whiteboard.
b.      The methods use in learning process are lecturing, question and answer, and discussion.
c.       The teacher gives a lot of opportunity to students to increase their English skills.
5.      Modeling conducted by supervisor teacher.
a.       The teacher uses English in teaching
b.      The teacher tries to give examples of factual questions
c.       The teacher explain the material based on students’ experiences or students’ expertise.

6.      Communication patterns used by all members of the school
a.       Deliberation to reach consensus
b.      Admonishing each other when something goes wrong
c.       Having greetings among the people in the school environment made the school atmosphere more friendly.
d.      The teacher is a little hard in fostering students who have problems, both in using words and actions.
e.       Students are very respectful of the teacher
7.      Learning facilities available at school
a.       Inadequate learning facilities slightly hamper the use of media in learning.
b.      poorly maintained school facilities.
c.       lack of sense of ownership of students in maintaining school facilities.
2.2 Preparation of Lesson Plan
The lesson plan (RPP) is a plan that describes the procedures and organization of learning to achieve a basic competency set out in the Content Standard and described in the syllabus. The scope of lesson plans includes one basic competency consisting of one indicator or several indicators for one or more meetings.
The writer, in the preparation of the lesson plan, refers to the making of a KTSP-based lesson plan, in accordance with the demands of the school that has not required students at grade XI of SMK Widya Bhakti to use the 2013 curriculum. Preparation here is defined as written preparation, mental preparation, emotional situations that want to be built, productive learning environment, including convincing learners to want to be fully involved.
            The purpose of the writer to make a lesson plan is to facilitate and improve the results of the teaching and learning process and by arranging learning plans professionally, systematically and efficiently, the writer will be able to see, observe, analyze, and predict learning programs as logical frameworks and planned
Meanwhile, according to the writer, the function of the lesson plan is as a reference for the writer to carry out teaching and learning activities to be more directed and run effectively and efficiently. In other words, the lesson plan acts as a scenario for the learning process. Therefore, the writer tries to design a flexible lesson plan and gives the writer the possibility to adjust the lesson plan with students' responses in the real learning process.
The important elements that the writer prioritizes in preparing lesson plans are:
1.      Referring to basic competencies and abilities that must be mastered by students, as well as material and learning submissions, learning experiences that have been developed in the syllabus;
2.      The use of approaches that are in accordance with the material that provides life skills according to the problems and daily environment;
3.      The use of appropriate methods and media, which bring students closer to directly experiences;
4.      Assessment with a comprehensive and continuous testing system is based on a testing system developed in line with the development of the syllabus.
The structure of lesson plan designed by the writer is based on the KTSP curriculum, in accordance with the provisions of SMK Widya Bhakti Ruteng. Below is the outline of the lesson plan made by the writer.

Lesson Plan

School                         : SMK Widya Bhakti Ruteng
Program                     : Accounting
Class/ Semester          : XI Accounting I and II/ III
Subject                       : English
Topic                          :
Sub-topic                    :
Allocation                   : 2 x 45 minutes

A.    Standard Competence:
B.     Basic Competence:
C.    Indicators:
D.    Learning Objectives:
E.     Learning Material:
F.     Learning Methods:
G.    Learning Steps:
1.      Initial Activities:
2.      Core Activities:
3.      Final Activities:
H.    Tools, Media, and Learning Sources:
I.       Evaluation:

In making the lesson plan, the writer always discussed it with the supervisor lecturer and supervisor teacher to know better about the way to make a good lesson plan. Then, the last step was asking for the signatures of the supervisor lecturer, supervisor teacher, and the principal of SMK Widya Bhakti ruteng before the writer go to class to practice the lesson plan directly.

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