Tuesday, March 19, 2019



1.1 Background
Internship program is a teaching method utilized by educators to teach students how to solve problems, understand tasks, perform specific tasks, and deal with difficult situations (Collins, Brown, and Newman 1989). The Internship program perspective involves the learner within an actual, physical context of practice. Apprentice works side by side with an expert in order to learn a specific task. In other way, according to KBBI, the term internship means prospective employees (who have not been appointed permanently and have not received a salary or wage because they are still considered at the level of learning). It is also confirmed in Undang-Undang No. 13 tahun 2003 concerning Manpower, specifically articles 21-30, and more specifically regulated in Regulation of the Minister of Manpower and Transmigration No. Per. 22/ Men/ IX / 2009 concerning the Implementation of Internship Program, where the internship program is defined as part of a work training system that is held in an integrated manner between training in training institutions by working directly under the guidance and supervision of instructors or workers who are more experienced in the process production of goods and/ or services in the company, in order to master certain skills or expertise. An internship program perspective is a holistic field of learning because an internship program involves the education of both students and teachers.
The internship program is in line with the vision and mission of the English education study program of STKIP Santu Paulus, which is to produce prospective English language educators who are professional and competent, and mature in personality, attitude, knowledge and skills. This is also stated clearly in the profile of graduates of English Education Study Program.
In an effort to realize the vision, mission, and profile of the graduates, the English Education Study Program of STKIP Santu Paulus offers internship program in schools that must be implemented by every student. This internship program is designed to train students to know the school environment directly and put forward the principle of "Learning by Doing". Through internship program, students are expected to be able to form themselves as prospective English educators who have four competencies, namely: pedagogic competence, professional competence, personality competence, and social competence.
In the second internship program, students are trained to become prospective English educators by carrying out English learning activities in the actual classroom settings at school. Through this second internship program, students gain experiences and skills in preparing learning devices, managing learning activities, applying learning methods, using learning media, conducting assessments and so on. Thus, the second internship program puts forward the principle of "Learning How to Teach English" at the high school level.
Implementation of the second internship program at the English Education Study Program of STKIP Paulus Santu is based on:
1.      UU Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 concerning the National Education System;
2.      UU Nomor 14 Tahun 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers;
3.      PP Nomor 19 Tahun 2005 concerning National Education Standards;
4.      Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Nomor 16 Tahun 2007 concerning Academic Qualification Standards and Teacher Competencies;
5.      PP Nomor 74 Tahun 2008 concerning Teachers;
6.      Peraturan Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi Nomor 16 Tahun 2009 concerning Teacher's Functional Position and Credit Number;
7.      PP Nomor 17 Tahun 2010 concerning Management and Implementation of Education;
8.      Peraturan Presiden RI Nomor 8 Tahun 2012 concerning the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (KKNI);
9.      PP Nomor 12 Tahun 2012 concerning higher education;
10.  KKNI curriculum of English Education Study Program.

1.2 The Purpose of the Second Internship Program
The second internship program aims to train the abilities and skills of students as prospective English educators in carrying out English language learning activities. In addition, students can form professional knowledge, attitudes, and personalities in order to prepare themselves as candidates for competent English educators. The second internship program covers aspects of learning English as follows:
1.      Preparation of lesson plan
2.      Skill in teaching English
3.      The use of media and learning methods
4.      The application of assessment related to affective, psychomotor, and cognitive aspects
1.3 The Benefits of the Second Internship Program
In the second internship program that has been implemented in the period from October 29 - November 3 in 2018, there are several tangible benefits felt by students, internship schools, and English Education Study Program, which will be elaborated in detail as follows.
1.      The Benefits for Students
a.       Students gain knowledge and skills in the process of English learning at school;
b.      Students gain experience through the process of English learning directly at school;
c.       Students gain experience and appreciation through the process of English learning in classroom;
d.      Students gain experience about ways of thinking and working in an interdisciplinary manner, so they can understand the interrelationship of knowledge in overcoming problems in English learning at school;
e.       Students gain reasoning power in conducting study, formulation, and problem solving in English learning at school;
f.        Students get the chance to be able to act as motivators, facilitators, dynamists, and help thinking as a problem solver.
2.      The Benefits for the Schools in the Second Internship Program
a.       The implementation of the second internship program creates mutually beneficial cooperation between the school where the second internship was held with English Education Study Program of STKIP Santu Paulus Ruteng;
b.      The schools take part in preparing competitive and professional English educators;
c.       The schools will get input and thoughts about creative and interesting English learning innovations according to the needs and development of students in school.
3.      The Benefits for English Education Study Program of STKIP Santu Paulus Ruteng
a.       The English Education Study Program gets useful input in improving the curriculum in accordance with the needs of the workforce;
b.      The second internship program builds synergy between the schools where the second internship program is held and the English Education Study Program of STKIP Santu Paulus Ruteng in preparing qualified English educators;
c.       The English Education Study Program gets feedback about pedagogical, social, and professional competencies of English Education Study Program students;
d.      English Education Study Program establishes cooperation and partnerships with schools where the second internship program is held in improving students' knowledge and skills in English learning.
1.4 Number of Participants in the Second Internship Program
The second internship program is a course which is offered in semester VII, based on the KKNI curriculum of English Education Study Program of STKIP Santu Paulus Ruteng. Therefore, the participants of the second internship program are the fourth grade students of English Education Study Program of STKIP Santu Paulus Ruteng who have passed the requirements to be able to take the internship program. The number of participants in the second internship program are 52 students, which are sent into 20 high level schools in Langke Rembong district.
1.5 School Profile
1.      School Identity
Name of School                      : Yayasan Pendidikan Swadharma
SMKS Widya Bhakti
Establishment Decree             : 360/I 21.5c/Ie 83
Date                                        : 1900-01-01
Operational Decree                 : 14360/I 21.5c/Ie 83
Date                                        : 1983-06-20
NPSN                                      : 50303347
Address                                   : Jln. Slamet Riyadi No.19 Ruteng
Phone                                      : 0385)21029
Email                                       : widyabhaktismk@yahoo.co.id
School Status                          : Accredited
a.       Accounting Expertise Program     : Accredited B
Accredited Year                            : 2008
Certificate Number                       : BAN S / M: 005583
b.      Marketing Expertise Program       : Accredited B
Accredited Year                            : 2017
Certificate Number                       : 23 / SK / BAP.5 / M
NTT / XI / 2017

2.      Vision and Mission of SMK Widya Bhakti Ruteng
a.       Vision
Making SMK Widya Bhakti Ruteng as a quality and contextual development and development human resource (HR) institution that produces graduate students who are competent, creative, independent, productive, and noble.
b.      Mission
·         Organizing vocational education in the fields of business and management expertise that is tailored to the needs of present and future communities.
·         Creating a mid-level workforce that is competitive and ready to work in the business world and industry both at the local, regional, national and international levels.
·         Creating graduates who are competent and independent in entrepreneurship.
·         Developing and improvimg the emotional and spiritual intelligence of students and producing human beings who have good character.
3.      Duties and Authorities of School Structural Officers
a.       Chairperson of the Foundation     : Maria Nelci Matara
b.      Committee Chair                           : Michael Mus, BA
c.       Principal                                        : Bonefasius Mancuk, SE
d.      Administration      :
·         Sebastianus Jeharum
·         Mark Firman
e.       Deputy headmaster of Public Relations    : Stanislaus Jani, A.Md
f.        Deputy headmaster of Student Affairs     : Yohanes Durman, S. fil
g.      Deputy headmaster of Curriculum            : Tarsisius Tarsa, S.Pd
h.      Deputy headmaster of educational facilities: Alfianus Wisandi, S. Pd
i.        Chair of the Accounting Program             : Maria M. Eduista, A. Md
j.        Chair of the Marketing Program               : Hendrikus Ino, S. Pd
k.      Homeroom teacher
·         X Accounting I                 : Marselina Mimung, S. Pd
·         X Accounting II                : Vianus Jebarus, S. Pd
·         XI Accounting I                : Lasarus Jehola, A. Md
·         XI. Accounting II             : Sabina M. Y. Hadir, S. Pd
·         XII Accounting                 : Maria M. Eduista, A. Md
·         X Marketing I                   : Hendrikus Ino, S. Pd
·         X Marketing II                  : Wolfhelmus A. Jehadus, S. Pd
·         XI Marketing I                  : Alfianus Wisandy, S. Pd
·         XI Marketing II                : Maksimus Taram, S. Pd
·         XII Marketing                   : Flaviana B. Sangul, S.Pd
l.        Teacher
m.    Students
4.      Total number of teachers
Teacher as agent of learning is the role of the teacher as a facilitator, motivator, learning engineer, and learning inspiration for students. Teacher competency as referred in Pasal 8 Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia nomor 14 tahun 2005 includes pedagogical competencies, personality competencies, social competencies, and professional competencies obtained through professional education.
Data collected by internship student on the 2017/2018 second internship program at SMK Widya Bhakti Ruteng is related to the total number of teachers in relation to their competency and professional education, which is outlined in the following table.

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